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Valentines Day!

Kelly and Erin here! We’re celebrating V-day together and each taking our own special meaning from it. unnamed


Erin: I’m on my last day of a fertility drug called Clomid. So far my hormone levels are checking out ok, but this drug just boosts my chances of those lovely eggs making it to ovulation in about 7-10 days. That’s right folks… in just over a week its insemination day!

I’ll go to the clinic tomorrow to see how things are coming along.  A good friend asked me this week: “How are you keeping yourself not-stressed so your body is a baby friendly environment?” My answer: I have this new podcast I’m working on and its SO fun! I’ll post again soon with more details and give a full overview of how this all works. Get ready for menstrual cycle talk!


Kelly: Valentine’s Day Rocks! This has been a historic day for me and new beginnings. It was four years ago today that I started a blog to keep me sane after the death of my 35-year-old wife. However I did not write alone. In 2013 I created a Super Hero alter ego version of myself and laughed my way through the sudden onslaught of unexpected single motherhood, with a really rude side kick on The High Flying Adventures of Captain Grief (

Now I begin again on a new adventure with a new, and actually real friend. I am a single mother by accident and my long time friend Erin is setting out to become a single mother by choice so we decided to do a podcast called Fashioning Families. You create your family any dang way you want. Parenthood is the most challenging and rewarding job I have ever had and you definitely need a village to raise a kid!

Erin and I want to reach out to any parents-to-be, single, or partnered, as well as all the single and partnered parents to help ALL of us remember that we are not alone!

Happy Valentines Day!



Hello! Erin here.

I’m just half of our podcast called Fashioning Families. My vision for this podcast is to take you on the journey with me as I become a parent. In a matter of weeks I will be attempting my first insemination. I’ve been monitoring my reproductive care with a clinic for nearly a year now. When I first started I had NO idea what it all involved. I hope that sharing my story will help others get some information and feel supported in their journey. Its just so helpful to know that we aren’t alone!

So stay tuned and feel free to ask questions along the way! You can reach us on our contact page or just leave a comment.

Happy Parenting!